Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Never A Capella

I was chatting with some people at lunch the other day and someone made a comment about how all the conversations they have had lately seem to involve discussion of relationships. Not just friendship relationships but the whole man, woman going out/dating/getting married relationship stuff. Ironically, but an hour earlier I was asked if I was spending time with any "particular" guy.

So, I started thinking about how much our world revolves around relationships, not just friendships but intimate relationships. We all crave a deeper connection with someone, right? I mean, who wants to grow old alone? I then started contemplating my life, looking at the times when I really desired to have that intimate connection with someone and times when I was content. In the midst of this contemplation, I realized that my contentment rested on spending quality time with God and building my relationship with Him. Not that I didn't still desire that connection with another person but I was content and at peace with where I was at. During the times I pulled away from God, there was something missing, feelings a loneliness became stronger.

I trust that God made us to be relational with Him, with our friends, and of course with our spouse (for those seeking marriage). Relation seems to be build into the very core of our being. How could we not seek out and desire something more from the people around us, and ultimately from God? It is sad to think that people miss out or when in a relationship they still feel alone and empty. They miss the conceptualization that God should be the core that builds the foundation within all other relationships. Here is just a simple little poem I wrote to remind me that I am never alone. Even when that one special relationship comes along for me, I will always have the promise that God is with me, and no one ever grows old alone when they choose God.

A Capella Not Seen

Alone I will never be
For there is something great inside of me
Watching and waiting for the world to see
Alone I will never be
Rainbows fall across the sky, pretty
Mist of love indeed
For love holds me
For love unfolds me
Alone I will never be
You can find it just look and see
Something inside of me
Lean not on yourself or me
Lean on the One meant for thee
Just like a little bee
Drawn to the honey tree
Alone I will never be
A Capella not seen


  1. Becca-What great thoughts...I am looking forward to keeping up with your blog!

  2. "I realized that my contentment rested on spending quality time with God and building my relationship with Him."
    Great blog! I particularly liked this quote and also the poem!

